Auto-mount the 1st fat32 partition on a SD-card

  • I took the 4G SD card that I used for libreelec kodi Jarvis running on Raspberry Pi zero and re-partitioned the fat16 boot and ext4 data partitions. First, I used gparted to move and resize the ext4 partition. The ext4 is now 550MB in size. Then I copied all the files from the fat16 boot partition, deleted the fat16 partition, and then resized it to 3.2GB fat32. Then recopied all boot files back to the newly created fat32 partition. Windows can read the fat32 partition fine and I can copy media files directly from Windows to the newly created 3.2GB SD card partition.
    Libreelec Kodi Jarvis boots up fine. However, I cannot locate the files in the fat32 boot partition using kodi libreelec. I check /dev/mmXXXX and /storage/XXX - they are not auto-mounted anywhere. I cannot even locate the 1st fat32 partition using the "file manager" under "system" and going to the root file system.
    I am trying to do the following:
    I want the newly expanded fat32 boot partition to auto-mount at /storage/sdcard or in my home directory every time I restart the system and the name of the SD card should show up under Video or Music like it does for USB thumb drives.
    How can I do it?

  • Don't do that. You are working around a problem that doesn't exist.

    Either format a seperate USB drive as exfat so it can mount in windows and in LibreELEC


    Copy files from windows to LibreELEC using the SMB shares. see, Accessing LibreELEC - LibreELEC

    I am running libreelec without a network, so, no SMB. I am also not using a USB hub, so no USB drives. I want to use one 8gb or 16gb SD card and have two partitions in it. The first fat32 partition can be adjusted to be Windows readable and I want to copy media files onto that partition and play media content.
    is there a solution for my setup?

  • I'm not commenting on the wisdom of this - I do plenty of hacks that would probably be considered unwise and certainly unsupported. But you don't need to do anything special - just browse to the first partition and add as a source in videos or music.
    To find it:
    Add videos > Browse > root filesystem > flash > [your media folders]

  • I'm not commenting on the wisdom of this - I do plenty of hacks that would probably be considered unwise and certainly unsupported. But you don't need to do anything special - just browse to the first partition and add as a source in videos or music.
    To find it:
    Add videos > Browse > root filesystem > flash > [your media folders]

    I appreciate your comment and I know USB solution is great. However, I am taking a "one memory card" approach with no other hardware attached to the Raspberry Pi Zero. If I can just drop all files on a location on the SD card directly from a Windows computer and then just plug it in to the Pi Zero and it starts playing movies automatically that would be ideal for me.
    I tried going to the location you mentioned but I saw none of my files that were one the first fat32 boot partition of the SD card there. Maybe it is my mistake. I will try to use the "file explorer" under "system" and see if I have better luck.