SSV6051 Wi-Fi for T95M smart TV box - (S905X)

  • Hello!

    I've been trying to get Wi-Fi working on my T95M with the SSV6051 chip on LE 9.0.2 (LePotato official build) but I can't get it to work. The problem is that the ssv6501, is not in there, but I can see it in the 9.0.2 git tree ( at 9.0.2 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub). Probably LePotato does not have this package compiled-in? dunno

    Question is, is there another 905X image with that package installed? If not, I have to compile it on my own. Can I get away with an "additional" package, or I have to rebuild the whole LE from the ground up? And if I do, how do I enable the ssv6501 package?

    Thank you


    Was able to build the package and just scp the .ko and firmware using (assuming you are inside the libreelec git repo and on the correct tag/branch):

    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/le ubuntu:18.04 bash
    apt-get update
    apt-get install vim gcc g++ make git unzip wget xz-utils libxml-parser-perl gawk sudo lzop bc
    useradd -ms /bin/bash ubuntu
    sudo -u ubuntu PROJECT=Amlogic DEVICE=LePotato ARCH=arm scripts/build ssv6xxx-aml

    For the module installation (temporary):
    send build.LibreELEC-LePotato.arm-9.0-devel/ssv6xxx-aml-1041e7d/firmware/* to /usr/lib/firmware

    send build.LibreELEC-LePotato.arm-9.0-devel/ssv6xxx-aml-1041e7d/ssv6051.ko to home directory

    and then from libreelec ssh: insmod ssv6051.ko

    Edited once, last by dzervas (October 28, 2020 at 3:18 AM).