advancedsettings.xml memorysize - seems to be ignored

  • Hi,

    I installed a PI4 with 2 GB RAM and libreelec 9.2.5. I'm streaming from a DM900 with the Enigma2 client. Regardless of which memory size is entered in the advancedsettings.xml, the RAM used is always the same.

    LibreELEC:~ # top

    top - 16:58:50 up 15 min, 1 user, load average: 0.56, 0.51, 0.34

    Tasks: 111 total, 1 running, 110 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

    %Cpu(s): 5.8 us, 4.3 sy, 0.1 ni, 89.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.8 si, 0.0 st

    MiB Mem : 1695.8 total, 1253.8 free, 163.7 used, 278.4 buff/cache

    MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 1436.0 avail Mem


    Thank you for any response