Random reboot on RPi2 during menu navigation

  • Hi everybody,

    I recently decided to dig out my old RPi2 model B from 5 years ago that I bought for college project. I created an image of LibreELEC using the official Raspberry Pi imaging tool.

    The Pi itself is bought from CanaKit. I got something similar to this kit here minus some bells and whistles. So the power supply is a 2.5A supply.

    Other than changing the hdmi group, I haven't touched anything in the config.txt.

    I've been watching the red light for any indication of the voltage dropping, but so far haven't seen anything like that. So seeing as I'm using the original power supply, I don't suspect a power issue. I've also tried another power supply, 5v/2.0a, and still am experiencing the random reboots.

    So from what I've experienced, it happens when I'm just navigating the menu. I might be trying to leave one menu and go to another, or hit the home button on the Kore app. Often times it just happens when I'm scrolling through a menu at random.

    Sometimes I wonder if it is heat related, but so far I've not seen any evidence of that either, other than when I boot up the Pi it can take some time before the random reboot happens. But after that, it will start happening more frequently.

    Any advice or help in diagnosing this problem would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • Try a different SDcard, something might get corrupted on the current one.

    Any power adapter can have flaws. If the indicator comes up, there must be something going on.

    No indicator came up. No obvious signs of power issues. It just suddenly reboots.

    I went ahead and bought a new SD card and power adapter. Hopefully one of these will do the trick.

  • Whelp, I tried a brand new SD card a brand new power adapter. That is now 3 different power adapters I have tried. I'm still seeing random reboots!

    I guess that pretty much eliminates either of those things. So now I'm guessing the board itself could be having problems? I've had it stashed away in it's case in draw for over 4 years, so I'm a little surprised that something might have gone wrong with it in that time... I guess the next step is to use a volt meter on the board to test if there is something wrong?

    At this point, I think I'm going to have to consider replacing it, which is very unfortunate since I've hardly gotten use out of it since I bought it. I don't have a very nice multimeter, its very basic, so I don't think I can safely test it.

    EDIT: Just measured the voltage. It measured a steady 5.22V. I'm stumped. What is causing the reboot?

    Edited once, last by NanoTree (September 2, 2020 at 2:34 AM).