Trouble getting LibreEXEC to boot on my Pi4

  • Hi, I'm having an issue booting Libre on my Raspberry Pi 4. I'm able to get Raspberrian working but when I try to boot Libre I get stuck on a blank screen. I've tried many ways to put Libre on my SD card. First I tried using etcher and I was met with a black screen. I reformatted the card and tried using the Libre installer on the official website still met with a blank screen. Then I tried using NOOBS. I downloaded the NOOBS ZIP File extracted it into the SD Card. NOOBs boots up and I choose the option to install LIbre. After it finishes it tries to boot it and I'm stuck with another black screen. I try installing Raspbian to see if its a PI issue and I am actually able to boot it up and use it. I tried a different SD card and I got the same results. I've also tried it on my other Raspi Pi4 and got similar results. I'm clearly doing something wrong here and I would appreciate help and guidance! I am using Samsung 32gig micro sd cards and here are some tutorials I used to try and set this up!

    Edited 2 times, last by madivote (September 8, 2020 at 10:20 AM).