Samsung 40" TV

  • Let's start by saying I am new to KODI. I have a fair amount of experience with Raspberry Pi, but brand new to KODI. I have a raspberry Pi 4 so I chose to go with LibreElec. Downloaded it yesterday (7/3/2020) So it's the newest version. I plug the HDMI cord into a couple of other TV's I have and things work... as well as I know how to work them just now. But when I plug the Pi into my Samsung 40" TV it does not work. The TV is a Samsung UN40H5203 40" LED 1080P Blah, blah blah. When I say it doesn't work here's what I mean. I will get the Raspberry Pi color palette splash screen for just a second, the the screen goes black for a couple second like normal, I will get the LibreElec Splash screen for a few seconds, like normal then it goes black and about 10 seconds later, the TV will pop up a message that says there is no signal input on the selected input. If I go to change sources on the TV, that HDMI input is still lit like the TV knows something is there, it just doesn't seems to be meshing up. I tried to change the screen size on the TV and I have KODI cranked up as high as it will go.

  • At some older TV's it's necessary to enforce an HDMI mode at config.txt. Add this lines for 1080p at 60Hz:


    Read here about the complete list of available HDMI modes.