Solved - LE 9.2.3 - cifs/smb connection refused on boot

  • Hi everyone,

    I installed LE 9.2.3 on my new pi4 and configured all service with success except the cifs auto mount, when i start him manually it's ok but impossible to start him on boot.

    I tried all option i think (vers=1.0, 2.1, 3.0, rw) but always same.

    LE is configured to wait network on boot 30s.

    In journalctl the only strange row is this (at the end of start) :

    Apr 11 18:28:49 noferatu connmand[291]: ntp: adjust (jump): +38853537.328936 sec

    Don't know if the problem comes from that but it's really possible, I tried to modify the required/after to connman.service without success and the sync of ntp is always after :/, it's possible to launch the mount script after the sync of ntp ?

    my storage-videos.mount :

    systemctl status storage-videos.mount just after the boot :

    Thx by advance



    Edited 2 times, last by psycho-kila (July 4, 2020 at 11:06 AM).