Unable to create new SMB Shares? (LE 9.2.3)
serendrewpity -
June 20, 2020 at 10:17 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Your .config/samba.conf will only be picked up if you restart the samba-config systemd service before restarting the samba systemd services. Or just reboot LE.
so long,
how is rebooting or restarting samba-config service going to help with the journalctl log stating that Samba is incompatible/old style?
To be clear, I'm using a copy of the /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample and modified it to create the new share. So I don't know what's incompatible.
Maybe you were using smb V1 before.
Microsoft has removed smb V1 for safety reasons. Also Libreelec is using smb v2 to v3.
Please post your full samba.conf. And also please post full logs to a paste site and snippets as inline code - dealing with screenshots is a PITA.
You will get the incompatible/old style message in journal if you removed the line which says "do not remove":
You'll also get that (or similar warnings) in journal if you use a have an old .config/samba.conf created on earlier libreelec versions which shipped with samba3.
That line is used by the config script to check if the config file matches the currently used samba version, and if it's missing or on the wrong version the file will be ignored.
so long,
@Nicholas, Very good idea and this has tripped me up in the past. But because of that, I did already have SMB v1.0/CIFS File Sharing support installed on my windows and did make sure the LibreELEC/Kodi clients had min smb ver=none and max smb ver = 3
HiassofT, That did it. samba.conf v4 (do not remove) was missing from the samba.conf file. Guess, I'll add another check for this in my autostart scripts.
Thank you both for your help.
Very much appreciated.