How to use the keyboard in game.libretro.dosbox?

  • Hi,

    I'm using game.libretro.dosbox on LibreELEC 9.2.2

    I put a game in a folder and I configured a .conf file.

    From the file manager I start the conf file. The game comes to the starting screen and is now waiting for me to press SPACE.

    But there is the problem, the keyboard seems unconfigured (or uses the global LibreELEC keymap)

    I'm a little suspicous about the readme on the

    dosbox-libretro/README at master · libretro/dosbox-libretro · GitHub


    * To be useful the frontend will need to have keyboard+mouse support, and all keyboard shortcuts need to be remapped.

    If I'm supposed to remap all keyboard shortcuts, how can I do it?

    I try to play a textbased adventure, so the keyboard is very important.

    I can't believe the keyboard is useless, or is there anything I can do about it?

    btw: running the dosbox from add-ons (without any .conf or exe-file) starts the dosbox and gives me the prompt, but I can't do anything because the keyboard doesn't let me type anything in. The keyboard works well in normal LibreELEC use.

    Is here anybody who can help?



    Edited once, last by earnie: typo (June 4, 2020 at 12:23 AM).