WiFi settings

  • I'm using Kodi with Libreelec to convert an old radio into a music system using a HiFiBerry amp. Everything works well and the Kore app allows me to play music and radio. However the radio was a birthday present for my son and the Kore app on his phone will not connect with the radio at his house. I want to edit the configuration file on libreelec with details of his SSID and wireless network password but I cannot find where it is stored. Normally on the Raspberry Pi the wireless configuration details are stored in wpa_supplicant.conf but I can't find this file. Does anyone know where libreelec stores the wireless config?

  • Connection configuration data is stored in /storage/.cache/connman/ but you should change configs through connman (connmanctl) as it manages those files and will probably overwrite any changes that you make. If you do want to manually edit, stop connman.service first, edit, then restart. You'll discover that SSID and passphrase data are base64 encoded so you cannot simply type new details in.