HDMI Hot plug, no remote if TV started after raspberry

  • Hi, my setup is raspberry pi 4 / LibreELEC 9.2.1 and PHILIPS 43PFT5503.

    If my tv is started after raspberry pi, tv is blank. No signal message.

    I've added some config:

    mount -o remount,rw /flash
    nano /flash/config.txt

    That way, TV is not blank anymore, but my TV remote doesn't work for raspberry. What can I do?

  • Regarding TV remote is not controlling LibreELEC Kodi, Assume you have ensured following options are set to On on your TV?

    i.e. ref page 15 43pft5503_05_dfu_eng.pdf

    Switch on EasyLink
    (Home) > Settings > Generalsettings > EasyLink > EasyLink > On

    Operate HDMI CEC-compatible devices with TVremote control
    (Home) > Settings > Generalsettings > EasyLink > EasyLink remotecontrol > On

    Additionally CEC should be defaulted to ON in LibreELEC on your Rpi. You can check this and modify other LibreELEC CEC settings via cog symbol (top left of Kodi GUI) then

    Settings -> Input -> Peripherals -> CEC Adapter

    Please Note: In order to see and access above option in Kodi GUI you will need to switch from "Basic" mode to "Standard" or higher

    (This can be adjusted by going to bottom of available options when your in Settings -> System to cog with Basic written next to it and stepping through available levels)

    As you can see below there are a number of options that can be adjusted to your needs in CEC Adapter settings option

    Edited 2 times, last by MikeKL (April 4, 2020 at 6:13 PM).