Docker python

  • I`ve install the docker add-on and run "docker pull libreelec/python" over terminal to install python on docker. Does it require anything to start it, i couldnt find a service file for it for systemd unlike transmission etc.

    Also how would i run a command in python on docker? I want to run this "pip install lambda-deploy" typing "docker run python pip install lambda-deploy" does install a diffrent docker but does install lambda-deploy.

    When I try to run this "docker run python /storage/kodi-alexa/" it tells me the file doesnt excist.

    Does the docker libreelec/python include pip?

  • It's not meant for that really.

    The file would have to be inside the container for it to work.

    You are better off building a container using the libreelec/python container as a base.

  • Can you tell me where the python container is stored? Also whats the point of the container if its not really meant for the purpose im using it for? Building a new container seems kinda pointless if all i need to do is drop the unzipped files from github into the container. Whats the difference between a container and an image? I checked the wiki and there is little to no information in regards to docker.

    Edited once, last by stuCONNERS (November 3, 2016 at 11:31 AM).

  • Why should LE provide documentation on a third party container suite? There's tons of docs on their site, try following the steps in get started with Docker. It'll give you a basic understanding of how containers work and you'll learn how to do what you're trying to do. There's nothing LE specific about Docker, it works just like it does in any other Linux distribution.