Samba server is disabled

  • Hi, I am trying to build mixed media center and NAS on raspberry pi 4 / LibreELEC 9.2.1.

    Samba service doesn't work for me:

    netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

    Prints some open ports but there is no 139 or 445, so no Samba service is on.

    systemctl list-unit-files | grep smb

    prints me smbd.service disabled so service is disabled.

    I can start samba with smbd, but as I believe it starts in some strange configuration: samba server starts and default directories are shared, but these are not these selected in file /storage/.config/samba.conf.

    How should I start SAMBA service properly?

    Where is configuration if not /storage/.config/samba.conf?

    How can I specify passwords for some specific directories?

  • Go into Kodi setttings > LE settings > Services .. enable Samba. On boot /storage/.config/samba.conf will be used if itt exists, else the the embedded smb.conf will be used.