External screengrabber wont take screenshot in hypercon

  • I am unable to tweak my hyperion setup correctly because i can not take a screenshot in hypercon. It keeps telling me to stop hyperion first but I already have and no lights are on. Nothing I try works. Please help

  • First make sure you have the hyperion addon version installed - in earlier versions the screenshot function was broken.

    I don't have an external grabber but with the internal (dispmanx) grabber on RPi4 the screenshot function works fine in hypercon. If I select the v4l2 grabber the connection log ("Show Traffic" in hypercon) shows that it tries to use hyperion-v4l2 but can't open /dev/video0 (which is expected).

    If you can't get it working please post the output of "Show Traffic" after trying to grab a screenshot.

    so long,
