RPI2 Black screen after a time not used

  • Hello,

    I have a RPI2 on which I upgraded from Openelec to LibreElec 7.0.0.
    On Openelec I had no issues and the RPI2 was always on.
    Now on LibreElec I noticed that when I haven't used it for a while the screen is black and there is no response.
    I use Yatse on my Android mobile as remote and works perfect, but when the screen is black the LibreElec doen't respond to Yatse as well.
    I have connected my RPI2 using HDMI on a Yamaha avantage A1050 receiver, which is connected via HDMI to a Panasonic 42" plasma TV.
    The only thing to do to bring it back to life is to poweroff the RPI2 and poweron again.
    This is very anoying for me.
    Is there anyone else having the same issue ?
    Do i Need to do a clean install of LibreElec instead of the upgrade from OpenElec ?

  • Hi,

    I am having exactly the same problem, but unfortunately could not find a solution yet either. My setup is: RPI3, a fresh install of LibreElec 7.0.0. I go to a Yamaha RX-V379 Receiver, but this does not seem to be the problem, because when plugging into a normal PC monitor via HDMI I have the same problem. As a remote I use Kore.
    I already tried all kinds of energy saving options, disabling screen savers etc. But this annoying problem remains.

    Anybody has any idea about this?

    Edited once, last by blackeye (May 18, 2016 at 1:10 PM).

  • Try to check Screensaver and Power savings feature. I would bet on that ones, because I upgraded OE to LE on multiple Rpi2s and didnt experience problem. Although, I didnt use AVR... so maybe you would like to check CEC settings also (Input/Peries) - there are some settings, which allows turn on/off interconnected devices based on each other status.

    Edited once, last by JimmySmith (May 18, 2016 at 2:42 PM).