ROM Collection Browser not working: dark screen

  • Hi,

    I just installed the ROm Collection Browser and followed the setup procedure, pointing paths to the emulator(s) etc.

    Now when I start the Addon, I get this:


    It is kind of dark, as if it was greyed out/unavailable. Floating the mouse across does not so anything and it almost seems as though this overlay is too big for the screen/resolution (which is 1366x768).

    I was trying to go the easiest route just to play some SNES games. Can you tell me what I did wrong or might have done wrong to cause this?

    Also: Why can't we just add games to the library the way we do with music and videos? I'm just curious. Why do we need to install an addon browser if this emulation functionality is basically part of LibreELEC now?

    If this is not going to work I will probably install the Gamestarter package. But I am trying to avoid the extra mileage.


  • I'm having the same problem, I can play games ok if I manually run them and I can also play games via IAGL, but when I try to run Ron Collection Browser all I get is this black screen.

    When I scrape my games it only ever get to 50% and it puts Inf files for all my ROMs in the ROMs folder.

    I have tried everything I can think off but still end up with no games when I run the app.

    Did you ever get this working?


  • Been trying AEL, but it won't launch, just get a swirling circle constantly, so can't even get the setup started.

    My system is an Asus CN60 Chromebox with Chrome OS removed and running latest generic intel x86/64 LibreELEC.

    I have retroArch and IAGL set up and working, but IAGL downloads the ROM every time.

    I have all the emulators, ROMs and Bios set up, I can play all the ROMs by going to file manager and selecting play with retroplayer and they run fine, I just need a way of organising, displaying and launching them.

    Does Rom collection browser not work with LibreELEC? Am I missing something?

    I followed the instructions on seo-michael and I just checked the nfo files that RCB created during import, most of the fields are blank, just the platform and games name filled in, no artwork gets download during the import.

  • Not sure about if it works on your setup...but AEL works fine on RPI