[Solved] RPi 3, kodi, no display on TV

  • HI Folks
    I have a RPi3b+ with LibreELEC 9.1.501 and Kodi installed.
    Works beautifully on an old Dell monitor with an HDMI-DVI cable - but, when plugged into the Samsung TV - no HDMI display.
    The Samsung doesn't seem to 'see' the Pi at all...

    What do I need to tweak?
    Many thanks

    ++++++++ Update - Solved +++++++
    I'd been plugging the RPi into the HDMI port on the TV without turning the TV off..

    Turning the TV off, connecting the HDMI cable, powering the TV #on', powering the RPi 'on' worked perfectly...

    all up and running..

    Seems the computer techs who say "Did you turn it off and then on again?" actually know what they're talking about!

    Leaving this here in case it helps anybody in the future

    Edited once, last by adrian5750 (November 9, 2019 at 6:01 PM).