HDMI audio falling back to stereo

  • Hi all,

    I'm running Kodi via Libreelec on a rockpro64.

    The rockpro64 is connected via HDMI to a Sony 7.2 receiver, which then connects via HDMI to my TV.

    When I start Kodi with only my AV receiver turned on (TV off), the blue 'multi channel light on my receiver lights up and I get 7.1 audio. When I turn the TV on it splutters a bit (audio output to receiver cuts in an out) but stays on 7.1 until I go to to play a video. When I hit play on a video it drops back to 2 channels. Starting with the TV on produces 2 channel audio straight away.

    Current settings are 7.1 channels with passthrough disabled and stereo upmix turned on. With passthrough enabled the receiver handles DTS OK, however I would like to decode on the rockpro.

    I have attached the log file (hastebin) and can see some messages which I think are relevant (below).

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Input Channel Count: 8 Output Channel Count: 8

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Requested Layout: FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, SL, SR

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Got Layout: FL, FR, LFE, FC, SL, SR, BL, BR (ALSA: FL FR LFE FC RL RR RLC RRC)

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - ALSA Initialized:

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S24NE4

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Channel Count : 8

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL, FR, LFE, FC, SL, SR, BL, BR

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Frames : 2205

    2019-08-16 19:56:36.859 T:4032820096 DEBUG: Frame Size : 32

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.410 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device ALSA:hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.410 T:4032820096 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0"

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.415 T:4032820096 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x02"

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.415 T:4032820096 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Unable to open the required number of channels

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.415 T:4032820096 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.415 T:4032820096 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S24NE4

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.415 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Request: periodSize 2400, bufferSize 9600

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.416 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Got: periodSize 2400, bufferSize 9600

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.416 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Setting timeout to 200 ms

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.416 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Input Channel Count: 6 Output Channel Count: 2

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.416 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Requested Layout: FL, FR, FC, LFE, SL, SR

    2019-08-16 19:57:50.416 T:4032820096 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Got Layout: FL, FR (ALSA: FL FR)