NESPi PLUS Case with Raspberry Pi 4? :-/

  • Hello!

    I have the NESPi Case PLUS. Would RPi4 work in it? 🤔🤔

    You can see that for example the Jack 3,5mm and charging port lines up for with models.

    USB ports and RJ-45 is swapped on places, but it is connected via cable inside the case, so I think it would work.

    Just depends where is microSD slot and IF the architecture is same, so the Shutdown script would work (but it can be remade for RPi4 with some time...)

    OH! Only the microHDMI ports will not match the case...but that can be changed with a saw and some sand paper.

    But I'd upgrade only if it made a big difference at H.265 (+other codecs) and emulation or other hard use.

    For example 1080p playback YouTube in normal Rasbian? 1f615.png?_nc_eui2=AeH_mqNVgYBHz3Qbdw9iX45HVyaaX0FQdkYRotY-mv_itpKnfIOOSoWsR_6NjZMGQuNxPCd0Sa_kPEtrLVjstXInsS25lFb6jqY10gNXh7AYOg:-/ That made me sad on my 3B+ when it was choppy and uplayable even at 720p...

    Thank you so much 2764.png?_nc_eui2=AeEv781_tVekZIjPVLxvbkrOS2waA1iXc2o27CTZfjCYTsAjknUQMT0VkCTbq-WVzvVwcrp8wOebT7iciC_RzuRUIC8jgLkOO2QYt1K2OJOAMg<3

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