How to install w_scan?

  • I've tried what this page mentioned, but the configure command returns an error.

    I'm currently failing at scanning anything with my tv tunner, and every thread i lookup ends up talking about w_scan, but its frustrating to find any useful info on how to actually install it on libreelec, any help?


  • you can´t install anything to LibreELEC as LibreELEC is a read-only system.

    Which threads you are referring to in regard to use w_scan for a scan for tv channels? Normally this is done by the backend you use.

  • you can´t install anything to LibreELEC as LibreELEC is a read-only system.

    Which threads you are referring to in regard to use w_scan for a scan for tv channels? Normally this is done by the backend you use.

    My backend is tvheadend, and yes its on threads about finding the correct muxes that i often find references to use w_scan.

    What exactly does it mean that LibreELEC is a read-only system? Because we can still install things, like add-ons, i installed tvheadend like that. I even found a repository that had an w_scan addon ( but after install, in the terminal w_scan returns an error.

    And isn't there a way to connect via ssh and build it? I'm just confused by your 'can't install anything' statement