I need PCSCD addon for wetek play (dual core armv7).
It was downloadable via repo, but already isnt available.
Has someone the openelec latest beta driver?
Maybe from there possible copy.
Thanks for help.

Need PCSCD addon for wetek play
envagyok -
October 14, 2016 at 10:03 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
what's wrong with oscam?
I have subscription card for tv, and a usb card reader.
For me oscam not handle a card reader.I tried with s905 (i have aarch64 version of pcscd), and with oscam. Then worked with s905.
But i need for wetek play, but play not compatible with aarch64
When someone need:
Latest 7.0.1 PCSCD-addon for wetek play.
Work with libreelec 7.0.2