v7.90.007 ALPHA LiveTV Deinterlace issues?

  • Hi,

    I think if have deinterlace issues but i'm not sure.
    I'm running latest alpha on a AMD E350 system but when playing LiveTV the picture seems to be shifting on top of screen, i think 1/4 from full height.
    I played with every Deinterlace method in Video settings but it doesn't seem to have any affect.
    Kodi Debug log doesn't give any errors also and i have no clue how to provide any useful info.

    Edited once, last by schumi2004 (October 13, 2016 at 9:21 PM).

  • Maybe the title is wrong and doesn't have it anything to do with deinterlace.
    But what i see during playback is the top (marked it with red) shifting, tearing or how you would like to call it.

    The settings are default, never touched them before.

  • Hi,

    I am experiencing the same issue. Hardware is a Zotac AD06 with Generic Build (CPU:AMD E2-1800 A; Graphics:AMD Radeon HD 7340)
    The issue came up with build version v7.90.006 and still exists in v7.90.008. v7.90.005 works fine regarding Video playback.

    best regards

  • Hi,

    Yes. The problem is not fixed in .10
    There is still .05 the latest release without this issue.
    You can notice the issue only while video playback. I haven't realized the same effect in the UI.