How to change android dts to boot LibreELEC

  • Hi,

    I have a RK3328 box - MX10PRO and have extracted the dtb (fdt) from android and decompiled it to a dts file. Does anybody know which pieces of the dts need to be changed in order for it to boot into LibreELEC??

    If I use it as is, my device boots into recovery with that dtb on the LibreELEC sd card. Boots to android fine without the LibreELEC sd card inserted.

    Or is there a cheatsheet or guide for changing dts to work with LE?

    File is here:-

    I hope someone can help point me in the right direction - thanks.

    Edited 2 times, last by ukmark62 (July 4, 2019 at 5:13 PM).

  • How did you managed to get the DTBs? this boxes are supposedly to be rooted but the installed superSU doesn't work. Hope you get an answer, I'm interested too! Nice product for the price.

  • How did you managed to get the DTBs? this boxes are supposedly to be rooted but the installed superSU doesn't work. Hope you get an answer, I'm interested too! Nice product for the price.

    I used es file explorer app to navigate to "/sys/firmware/" directory - then I copied "fdt" (flattened device tree) file to my usb drive. Then took that "fdt" file over to ubuntu vm and decompiled it to the dts file that is attached on the post.

    Do you know how to modify device trees to get them to load LibreELEC?? If I knew which parts of the dts to change that would be great as I'm ok with compiling the dts to dtb, and testing it.

    Actually, it might be more of a uboot issue.

    Edited once, last by ukmark62 (July 4, 2019 at 6:12 PM).

  • The hardware for MX10 PRO looks identical to MX10 which currently works with LibreELEC. The board is same name - rk30sdk, both are RK3328 SoC, both have 4GB DDR3 ram and 32GB flash. They look identical in every way apart from the cosmetic of the box itself.

    Bemused as to why the existing MX10 dtb does not work on the MX10 PRO as I can't find any material differences.

    With LibreELEC sd card inserted, the MX10 PRO box boots into Android. If I insert the toothpick with LibreELEC sd card inserted, it boots into Android recovery.

    Any ideas??

    UPDATE: Sorry it looks like the ram is DDR4 on the MX10 and DDR3 on the MX10 PRO. If that's the case, what do I have to change on the existing MX10 dtb to tell it to use DDR3 ram instead of DDR4? I'm hoping this may fix it for LibreELEC to install.

    UPDATE2: I think this might be a non-starter. I have tried installing a Nougat ROM from a MX10 RK3328 I have and the box does boot into Android but with the LE sd card inserted, nothing happens if I use toothpick. Without toothpick, it just boots to Android. I'm guessing Rockchip may have locked down the boot procedure or something.

    Edited 2 times, last by ukmark62 (July 5, 2019 at 3:32 PM).