Trying to get a simple script working..

  • Hey guys.

    I have script for sending a wake on lan command from a docker container to wake up a PC.

    this is the code :

    exec > /storage/myLog.log 2>&1
    set -x
    echo "Going to wake up your PC"
    docker run --rm --name wake-on-lan --net=host -e MAC='mac-goes-here' r0gger/docker-wake-on-lan

    I stored this in /storage/

    when I run /storage/ from putty it works fine

    I installed several apps that can send ssh commands from my android.
    However when I send a command to execute /storage/ I get the following error :

    /storage/ line 5: docker: not found

    tried several different apps, same problem every time.

    I'm not great with linux so i've been stuck for several hours googling this issue to no avail :(