Repeated crashes used as Bluetooth audio sink, browsing some movies

  • Hi there,

    I got a RPi3B+ installed with latest Leia 9.0.2, upgraded from 8.x.

    Since a few days, it repeatedly crashes during mundane operations, to the point it's nearly unusable. There's no under-voltage, over-temperature or full SD card that may cause unexplained issues.

    One of the latest occurred when I tried to use LibreELEC as a Bluetooth sink. I couldn't succeed in getting sound out of the LibreELEC before it crashes. Source was a Ubuntu laptop playing a non-DRM song through the web browser.

    Crashed around 2h45:

    I can also crash it very reliably browsing some film genres

    Crashed around 2h56:

    It also crashes idling (screen was frozen at 8h42, but may have crashed before that)

    Any idea what's going on?

    Edited once, last by Cubytus (June 28, 2019 at 9:46 PM).