[Solved] Robocopy ERROR 50 - The request is not supported

  • When trying to use the below robocopy command to copy/mirror files from a folder on my Windows 10 PC to a folder on an external HDD connected to a RPi 3 model B I get the error message in the subject line. This is using LibreELEC 9.0.2. Was using 8.2.5 up until today where I didn't see this problem using the very same command.

    This is the command I'm using where D: is a local HDD in my Windows 10 PC and Z: is a mapped network drive pointing to my external HDD connected to the RPi:

    robocopy "D:\Media\Fotoramen" "Z:\Fotoramen" /MIR

    And this is the error message I get:

    2019/05/31 13:21:30 ERROR 50 (0x00000032) Changing File Attributes Z:\Fotoramen\

    The request is not supported.

    Maybe I missed some setting somewhere when setting up the new version of LibreELEC.

    Any help highly appreciated!