
  • I'm looking to install Hyperion
    It mentions on the download place that the addon repo has chromium Hyperion etc I have no libreelec repo in my list or am I being totally stupid here I upgraded from oe not sure if that makes a difference or have I missed the repo address somewhere
    I'm either blind or stupid it's there now since the latest update
    Can someone make an idiots guide to get this working looking to sort the software side out first,
    Found a guide and I know it needs compiling but when I tried it message came up about libreelec not needing "sudo" ????

    Edited once, last by jjbull (April 22, 2016 at 4:40 PM).

  • install Hyperion from the LibreELEC repo, then place hyperion.config.json into the service.hyperion folder in the Userdata SMB share.

    if you don't have a hyperion.config.json you need to make one or copy the sample one via ssh

    cp /storage/.kodi/addons/service.hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json.sample /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.hyperion/hyperion.config.json

    then edit it there

  • Thxs for the response I'll try that tomorrow, will not having a config file in place stop me from configuring the addon as that option is greyed out and unselectable
    Sorry if these are daft issues

  • Quote from jjbull

    message came up about libreelec not needing "sudo" ????

    About this particular issue, sudo is a program that allows you to run some commands as "root", that is, the system administrator-with-all-super-cow-powers on unix systems. Since you are probably already logged in as root, there is no need for it, and you can just drop this part from the commands.
    Keep in mind that doing something wrong as root MAY HARM YOUR SYSTEM, even though the default LibreELEC configuration is quite safe in this regard. So,you should probably try to completely understand the commands before typing them ;)


  • Haha yeah your right probably should learn the commands lol
    Nothing I can't format and start again though
    I tried knocking off the sudo command and another error message came up, but it's all good just installed it from libreelec repo just can't enter its configuration yet

  • There are no configuration options from the Hyperion service. You give it a config file and it runs. That's all it does. There are separate Hyperion addons from kodi and others that may allow you to configure how Hyperion works.

  • install Hyperion from the LibreELEC repo, then place hyperion.config.json into the service.hyperion folder in the Userdata SMB share.

    if you don't have a hyperion.config.json you need to make one or copy the sample one via ssh

    cp /storage/.kodi/addons/service.hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json.sample /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.hyperion/hyperion.config.json

    then edit it there

    thank you a lot! it works but i has to create service.hyperion folder manually