Broken Audio through hdmi

  • I have an old pc that I installed libreelec on and I can get the audio working through one of the options in audio setting... but the audio is broken and repetitive at points beyond the normal clicks. I have tried all of the setting changes in different posts... but nothing seems to be working. Any suggestions, could it be a lack of support/ drivers for my system (radeon video card) ... not sure what to do at this point

  • Users sometimes mistake LE being a small and efficient Linux distro for it being ideal for using on old hardware, but our focus is on current and recent hardware so we are frequently missing drivers and support for older devices. That said, unless you tell us exactly what the hardware is (and share the dmesg output) all we can do is make broad statements ^ and guess at the issue.

  • Fair enough, based on people's posts on different websites it sounded like that was what this was designed for. Apologize for the lack of detail, here is the dmesg (hopefully that is correct, I googled how to do it) and the video card is a Asus radeon HD 7870