Hyperion boblight and rockchip 3399 Rock Pi 4

  • Hi there.

    I have used boblight on my raspberry pi with arduino. Now iam on my new Rockpi, and i cant find the right device i think. I have test from ttyUSB0 to ttUSB5. Also from ttyACM0 to ttyACM5. No Luck...

    Is this a problem of rockpi? Or a problem with me ;)

    I Hope somebody can help me!! Thx alot

  • Ok, i build my own Libreelec with driver support for ch340. Now it connects to my arduino and the leds go on. But They doesnt change the colour... ;( Somebody any Idea? The Arduino and boblight config work very well on Raspberry pi... but not here on Rockchip...

    Edited once, last by antaril (March 30, 2019 at 9:55 PM).

  • ok, i got Hyperion to work, but not correct... it often starts new and the light doesnt match to the colour of the film. It seems that the menu works correct, there is blue light ;)

    SOmeone any idea?

    Edited once, last by antaril (March 30, 2019 at 9:55 PM).

  • If i use Netflix, Hyperion works very good!!! Just the upper Led line doesnt work ;) But why not live tv and films??

    Boblight does the same... it works in Netflix, but not in film and tv. But Boblight uses all Led´s

    Edited once, last by antaril (March 30, 2019 at 11:49 PM).

  • If i use Netflix, Hyperion works very good!!! Just the upper Led line doesnt work ;) But why not live tv and films??

    Boblight does the same... it works in Netflix, but not in film and tv. But Boblight uses all Led´s

    I'm not a Hyperion user - but Netflix will be using software decoding (where the CPU has access to all the decoded video as standard), whereas regular movie and TV watching will be using hardware decoding (where code will need to find a way of accessing the decoded video to analyse it's average colour for external LED control)

    My guess is that this is hw vs sw decode related at the moment?

  • I'm not a Hyperion user - but Netflix will be using software decoding (where the CPU has access to all the decoded video as standard), whereas regular movie and TV watching will be using hardware decoding (where code will need to find a way of accessing the decoded video to analyse it's average colour for external LED control)

    My guess is that this is hw vs sw decode related at the moment?

    Yes, thats a good idea, i will try to do handle all videos with software and report back!