Update from Android fails on official LibreElec KVIM 9.0.1 build for Khadas Vim

  • Issue:

    Issue: Out of box freshly imaged media is unable to do modify boot record to allow booting from SD/USB from Khadas Vim android 6 menus.

    Clicking on Select in System Update menu shows empty screen.

    File name missing from root folder of image: LibreELEC-KVIM.arm-9.0.1.img.gz

    Fix: "aml_autosript.zip" is missing, but "aml_autosript" is preset.

    Zip Compressing "aml_autosript" file to "aml_autosript.zip" resolves the issue

    Edited once, last by Boredsysadmin (March 26, 2019 at 2:55 PM).