Libreelec 9 pi3b+ - no UPnP option

  • Hi

    I just installed version 9 on my P.I. 3b+, on another memcard just for sure

    This all went very well!

    It goes wrong for me when trying to add my seagate nas. In the former version I could add it by selecting uPnP server. This option is missing in the list now.

    It seems to be possible using general option on the bottom of the list but then I would have to enter details about the nas. This I couldn’t get to work (entered its ip but it didn’t find it)

    Is there a way to scan for uPnP like in the older version? Or another way to add the nas?



  • Code
    2019-03-07 11:53:59.717 T:1937316240   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting upnp://2019-03-07 11:53:59.717 T:1937316240   ERROR: CGUIDialogFileBrowser::GetDirectory(upnp://) failed

    Ah yes, it's not enabled by default. Not obvious I know. Looks like it was disabled in Kodi 18.

    Go to Settings --> Services --> UPnP/DLNA and enable it there.

    All should then work as in Kodi 17.

  • Thank you Ir,

    Settings --> Services --> UPnP/DLNA was/is enabled.

    I learnt in the meantime that UPnP/DLNA for Kodi only applies to video and music files which use Kodi's internal databases but not /photo on Synology,