[WP2, Odroid C2, Wetek Hub, LE9.0.1] No video after stopping 3D playback

  • Got passive-3D LG TV and both 1080p Half-OU and Half-SBS .mkv content is detected and playing just fine.. unless I stop playback/disable 3D.

    Right then my LG TV (either through Onkyo receiver or direct HDMI) goes blank “No signal” screen, but Kodi remains responsive (GUI sounds and SSH).

    If I set Kodi Settings to disable 3D on stop, TV switches back to non-3D mode, then says "no signal":


    If I set Kodi Settings to remain in 3D on stop, sometimes I've got just black screen and log output in left top corner freezes, then again "no signal" after 15 sec.

    Same happens, when I pause a movie, go to 3D settings and just switch On and then Off 3D mode:


    Same action with component-specific debug enabled (FFmpeg, Video, libCEC):


    Have to SSH and reboot every time.:/

    Any extra steps suggested?

    Edited 36 times, last by i3laze (April 5, 2019 at 3:54 AM).

  • Hi all,

    Same problem here on a Ordroid C2 with official LE 9.0.1. Also a LG passive 3D TV set.

    3D content, both SBS or TAB is played correctly, switching automatically from 2D to 3D at the begining of the playback but when video is stoped, presing stop button o finishing the movie, switch to 2D mode well but a "no signal" warning message is displayed.

    Everything seems OK, Kodi is running, SSH is avalable. Kodi Remote (used to reboot when the signal is lost) on my iPad connects, but I see nothing at all because no signal is displayed via HDMI.

    LE 8.X versions work fine on this situation.

    Any help, workaround or fix will be very appreciated.

