No LE display after power on AVR and TV on Odroid-C2

  • Hello all,

    Have an issue running LibreELEC (official): 9.0.0 (Odroid_C2.arm)

    Never power off the Odroid-C2 only my Denon AVR-1312 and Samsung UN55D6000

    When powering the system up with my remote RCA RCRP05B and press any key to refresh the screen it's blank. Nothing refreshes it. This never happened with LE 8.2.5 or prior. This can be fixed by rebooting from an ssh session with the AVR and TV turned on.

    I can get around this issue without having to use an ssh session by mapping one of my remote keys to reboot

    grep livetv /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml

    <livetv>System.Exec ("reboot")</livetv>

    grep livetv /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml


    Has something changed that would cause this? I have tried disabling CEC and changing options within CEC GUI without success. Also completely disabling from the command line in /flash/config.ini


    While this works I'd prefer a more elegant solution for the fix

    Any input would be appreciated
