EPG 1h off using TVHeadend server and client

  • Hi,

    the EPG data shown at Kodi is 1h off. The broadcast starting at 20:00 CET is shown with a start time of 21:00 in Kodi. Same broadcast is shown on the the TVHeadend server using the web interface with a start time of 20:00.

    Checking the time on the TVHeadend server outputs:

    root@castle:/# hwclock --show

    2019-02-05 20:05:10.738884+0100

    root@castle:/# date

    Tue Feb 5 20:05:14 CET 2019

    root@castle:/# cat /etc/timezone


    Checking the time on the client outputs:

    PiTV-Test:~ # date

    Tue Feb 5 20:08:12 CET 2019

    Timezone is set in Kodi to Europe/Berlin

    Software versions:

    Server: HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1733

    Client: LibreElec 9.0

    Does someone has an idea what's wrong with my configurations?