CEC does not work with Samsung

  • Hi,

    Im kinda new with the libreelec OS and facing a CEC issue.

    Did not changed the TV neither the cable but on pi3 b+ libreelec cec does not work currently with my Samsung MU6172.

    Tried to activate Anynet+ settings on samsung without luck.

    Replaced the cabel and already cut the tv from power source for 10 second.

    OS version is 8.2.5 but the issue exists in 9.0.0 too for me.

    Here is some log, is it normal behaviour for this command? Any idea what should i try to work with the TV properly?

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    Edited once, last by szabieable (February 5, 2019 at 1:10 PM).

  • It's possible that the RPi/LibreELEC is fixed somehow on HDMI port 1 of your TV.

    Which port on the TV do you have the RPi connected?

    Also, we prefer using a pastebin website for long(er) log lists, and keep the forum clean. :)