[Wetek Play 2] Navigation is very slow

  • Device: Wetek Play 2

    LE version: 9.0.0

    In all menus (LE settings, Films, Navigation menu and etc) if I push navigation button in fast way (4 times on down button) on my remote (default wetek play 2 remote control device), on GUI active control changed only 2-3 times.

    I mean if i push on remote 5 times, Kodi recieve onlu 2-3 and with some lags.

    There is no the issue on LE 8.2.5.

  • That's the problem. LibreElec 9.0 has switched to meson-ir which should have the advantage that you can use many remotes on devices that wouldn't work otherwise. I had also updated my Odroid C2 to LibreElec Beta 8.95.x but had the same problem as you that the remote only responded delayed to inputs.

    Then there were tips how to optimize it under SSH with some commands but it wasn't as fluid as under LibreElec 8.2.5 anymore. That's why I'm back and can recommend the same to everyone who has these problems.

    That's why there is a fork called CoreElec and they implemented a possibility to use the amremote used in Krypton via a remote.conf file instead of meson-ir.

    Also what use is it to me to be able to use many remote controls if one cannot switch on the device with these ;)

    Edited once, last by TCHAMMER (February 3, 2019 at 1:36 PM).

  • i Switched to CoreElec 9.0.0 too. You have to copy the remote.conf file to /.config and restart. After that the Device boot second time and the amremote is activated und the button press fluid again like Krypton.

    But you create the remote.conf File for you self. I have the remote.conf File for the Odroid C2 IR for users that need this for this Device.


    Here i Found 2 remote.conf Files for WetekPlay but i don't know if it work. First try the remote.conf file if it not work i doubt the remote 2.conf that you must rename to remote.conf wouldn't work too. Good Luck ;)

    Edited 4 times, last by TCHAMMER (February 18, 2019 at 7:30 PM).

  • Use the search function of the forum.

    You can improve responsiveness of the remote by either adding ir-ctl -t 30000 to autostart.sh or by enabling the crazycat DVB drivers (the latter will pull also in the IR optimizations from later linux kernels).

    You can also tweak the button repeat settings with ir-keytable -D xxx -P yyy - this has been discussed about a million times during the last year.

    so long,


  • Indeed, LE9.0 on WP2 even has different key codes (I had custom keymap bindings on LE8.x and now button codes drifted from 614xx notation to 2xx).

    I propose making changes suggested above by HiassofT permanent in future builds.

    Edited once, last by i3laze (February 24, 2019 at 5:09 PM).