Which Modul or Package is for HDMI Audio passthrough

  • Hi, i need some help, I try to compile Libreelec 8.2.5 with some newer drivers, couse I have an ATI Radeon RX 570 There are no audio pass through available, So I found out the 8.2.5 image from escalade support it. Now I tried to change the Version to 18.1.0 under X11/drivers/amdgpu I compilled it but this package was not the right one, Audio pass through are not available for this card So now I need some help, what modul or package is for this part (HDMI Audio pass through from Grafikcard Radeon RX 570) Than I can try to change this version to an newer one, too I hope someone can help me with some informations J BB Dainara

    Edited once, last by dainara (January 30, 2019 at 4:59 PM).

  • i tried with an kernel option "radeon.audio=1"  but this don't work too,  audio over HDMI not available, with onboard grafikcard works but not with the ATI RAdeon RX570.  (in the new Libreelec 9 it works but i can't use this, couse there i don't get all BDs and BD-UHD Disks to work, all movieds works with makemkv under 8.2.5  but nit in LE9)

    so, i need to know which packet, driver or modul i need to change the version that i get it to work

    i don't have knowledge in programming but i don't wan't to give up, i get the compilling process to work so now i need only the last part from the puzzle ^^

  • ok i need to give up, i think i need an newer kernel, but i don't know how i can use an newer, everything i tried gos in to Errors :(

    tried an other image from sky42 with an newer kernel but there makemkv don't decrypt all BD's, so there is something wrong too

    maybe the kernel is to new, is no one can help me than --- close ---