Playstation Dualshock controller - unresponsive 'shape' buttons

  • Hello

    Issue: In LibreELEC 8.90.009 (64-bit PC), some of the shape buttons on the Playstation DualShock controller are unresponsive.

    My controllers are plugged in using USB adapters. The 'shape' buttons (square, circle, cross) won't respond. Triangle is OK. I tried Configure Attached Controllers (System > Input) for the Dual Shock using the Playstation DualShock profile, but pressing the shape buttons does nothing (the others seem fine).

    I wondered whether the USB adapters were at fault, but everything works fine out of the box on a separate installation that runs Retroarch on Lakka and also on a fresh install of LibreELEC 8.2.5. I am therefore assuming it's a bug with 8.90 that could be fixed in a later version.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more detail.

    My log file is here:



    Edited once, last by splatt4000 (December 29, 2018 at 1:19 PM).