LibreElec 8.90.009 / Kodi 18.0 RC-2-Leia - HLG HDR working!

  • Just installed the latest update and my Rock64 is correctly flagging HLG HDR to my Sony UHD TV.

    Unlike other bits of kit (Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K and Roku Streaming Sick Plus) that needed an HD Fury Vertex in the way to add an HLG Support Flag via EDID (not sure why - an EDID dump of my UHD TV EDID shows it is flagging both PQ and HLG EOTF support) - the Rock64 works fine connected direct.

    Unfortunately I can't get MPEG DASH streaming to work to test it with the live iPlayer test stream here :


    Edited 2 times, last by noggin (December 15, 2018 at 4:06 PM).

  • I have tried several samples like the LG Cymatic Jazz 4k Demo. Any type of HDR or HLG does not work in the rockpro64. I bought another board, as it seems that the rk3399 will take time to work properly

  • I have tried several samples like the LG Cymatic Jazz 4k Demo. Any type of HDR or HLG does not work in the rockpro64. I bought another board, as it seems that the rk3399 will take time to work properly

    Yep - both the the Cymatic Jazz HLG and HDR10 versions play with HLG and ST.2084 PQ flags correctly on the Rock64.

    I have a feeling Max/Avg light level metadata may not be passed with the HDR10 version - will check again.

    I have a RockPro64 too - currently running OMV from eMMC. If I get a chance I'll boot it into LE from a uSD card.

  • My PC is compatible with HDR, DTS-HD and TrueHD/Atmos. I'll leave Libreelec for a while and do the same. I will install OMV on the Rockpro and use Kodi and Yatse with the MySQL database. Thanks a lot! ;)