libreelec SSH session terminal change # of columns

  • HI ,

    I'm running LibreElec on Odroid C2. For SSH sessions, I increased the font size of text on SecureCRT for better visibility and now the longer commands run out of screen space because the terminal column size is 130 but secureCRT can only show around 110 characters.

    I tried the command 'stty cols 110' but the command fails with message '-sh: stty: not found'

    Please advice on how to install stty or any alternative method I can use to change # of columns.


    Edited once, last by ajiratech (December 14, 2018 at 11:45 PM).

  • I've never encountered a column width restriction in the OS (using PuTTY or any client on macOS) so I think you need to use a different client that allows wider columns, or figure out how to configure SecureCRT correctly.

  • Thanks chewitt . Once your response ruled out issue with LE. I was able to resolve it.

    SecureCRT has a setting under Terminal->Emulation : "Synchronize view to size" which was selected. The gotcha was that It picks up the settings from first tab of SecureCRT. Since I was trying different settings on non first tab, they didn't do anything.

    Quitting SecureCRT and starting again resolved the issue for me.