I am using LE 7.0.3 in various installations of RPi2, with various remotes (from old VCR, old TV's etc.) via raw codes
name key_info
3341 1843 467 1120 493 1095
467 404 468 405 467 403
467 409 467 1122 461 405
471 1115 469 1126 461 404
467 404 468 1126 462 403
467 1120 494 379 467 1120
468 410 461 404 468 404
471 404 468 403 494 377
469 404 467 409 473 398
467 1116 472 404 473 399
467 403 469 403 467 410
473 1110 467 404 472 404
473 1111 467 1119 501 1087
468 404 468 404 473
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recorded simply via
config.txt: dtoverlay=lirc-rpi
systemctl stop eventlircd.service
systemctl stop kodi.service
killall lircd
ir-keytable -p lirc
rm /storage/.config/lircd.conf
irrecord -f /storage/.config/lircd.conf
reboot now
Works out of the box, for all remotes (its just matter of choose correct freq. IR diode).
Now, due to slowly switching to the x265, I plan to build first PoC based on Odroid C2. I am afraid I cant use 7.0.3 here, so I will must use some of recent versions (and hope there will be no problem with HDMI passthrough to the receiver, HDMI-CEC etc.).
I am a bit frightened by the "IR changes". Is it possible to use some procedure, or there is need to set up something differently? I think I once tried (but it was quite long ago) gpio-ir
with Rpi just for curiosity, but it doesnt work for me..
Thank you in advance, I bet, that this must be interesting also for others..