Yatse - remote control Libreelec from different network

  • Yes, this works fine if you add the necessary port forwards. Be careful though, I wouldn't open them to the internet, otherwise you could have some "fun".

    I have 4 separate local networks here, RPi with LibreELEC got it's own net as all the phones / tablets (I moved them into the separated guest WLAN).

    I enabled port forwards for tcp 8080, tcp 9090 and udp 9777 and both Yatse (on android) and Kore (on android and ipad) work fine with that.

    so long,


  • I must open to internet (no other Way) - two ISP - one mobile router (and here android phone) and cable network from local provider (kodi, nas synology, pc).

    I try open ports from your post - fail.

    Maybe i need set something in libreelec or Yatse?

  • I'd strongly advise against opening anything to the internet - this'll end in a security nightmare.

    If you really want to access Kodi/LibreELEC from the internet then install a VPN on your cable/LAN router and connect to that via your mobile devices when you want to access Kodi/LE.

    Or just add a wireless access point to your LAN so you can connect your mobile devices via that - then you don't have to worry about random port scanners and script kiddies taking over your kodi installation.

    so long,


  • If the LE box has a wireless card that supports AP mode, enable the wireless hotspot and connect the phone to that instead of the mobile router. Or get a normal wireless router/bridge and connect to the Cable network. DO NOT CONNECT LibreELEC TO THE INTERNET.