Raspberry 3 NFS connection stopped working

  • I replace my cable STB about a year ago with HDHomeRun and LibreElec on Raspi 3. It has been working wonderfully until last week, the NFS file link has stopped working. The DVR recordings are stored in Synology Diskstation. Here is a quick summary of what's working and not working

    1. TV guide works and I can watch live TV program using LibreElec "Kodi" interface with HDHR

    2. Can not access the Recorded DVR program using Kodi videos streaming. Error message says "can not find the link"

    3. However, I can watch the DVR recording using HDHR app through LibreElec

    4. My home movies are also stored in Synology at a different sub-directory and I can't watch home video neither

    5. I reformated the SD card and reloaded LibreElec, am still having NFS link problem

    6. I download Noobs on different SD card and am able to reach the HDHR subdirectory on synology using NFS link. I am also able to down load a file to SD card. My conclusion: Raspi 3 NFS link is OK.

    7. Loaded Kodi on my PC and am able to watch recorded DVR TV shows using Kodi video library link

    I am wondering if anyone can provide me with any suggestions on what else I can try to fix the problem. Thanks.

  • What release of LE are you on?

    RPI3 or RPI3B+

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link

    Also output of:


  • thanks for the reply. I find the problem. HDHomeRun updated recording engine software on my device (Rspberry Pi3). The update require me to replace the hdhomerun_record file in my synology NAS.

    This explains why I can mount NFS link manually but not able to watch recorded shows on Synology NAS.