Kodi Fails to Start

  • Hi,

    I am a Linux newbie. I was playing around trying to fix the key mappings for a new remote via SSH and somewhere along the line I broke Kodi.

    On restart, Kodi does not start. I have found the following:
    #systemctl list-units
    eventlircd.service loaded active running Eventlirc
    kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create lis
    kodi-cleanlogs.service loaded active exited Kodi clean
    kodi.service loaded activating auto-restart Kodi Media

    Restarting Kodi does not work either:
    # systemctl restart kodi.service

    After the restart, 'systemctl list-units' gives me the same thing I had before.

    I have checked the logs and kodi is generating a whole lot of crash log files in '/.kodi/temp'
    All of the crash files are empty:
    ############## kodi CRASH LOG ###############

    ################ SYSTEM INFO ################
    Date: Sat Aug 20 18:09:32 AWST 2016
    kodi Options: --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd
    Arch: armv7l
    Kernel: Linux 4.1.18 #1 SMP Mon Feb 29 20:48:22 CET 2016
    Release: OpenELEC 6.0.3
    ############## END SYSTEM INFO ##############

    ############### STACK TRACE #################
    gdb not installed, can't get stack trace.
    ############# END STACK TRACE ###############

    ################# LOG FILE ##################

    ############### END LOG FILE ################

    ############ END kodi CRASH LOG #############

    I do not know where to go to find the issues. Any ideas?


  • Since I cannot see any hardware details, I'm gonna go with a generic solution. Take out the SD card, and make a copy/backup of the current /storage partition of your SD card. If you are running LE on a PC system, use a bootable stick to copy your storage folders that way.

    After that, simply reinstall a fresh copy of LibreELEC, and restore your backupped files where necessary. Finding out what actually went wrong may take too long, and the answer may also not be found at all.

  • Thanks Klojum. I was thinking of doing that, but thought I would poke around a bit before I went down the long route.

    I should have mentioned, I am running on a Raspberry Pi 3.

    Are there no other logs I can check to see what is going wrong? I tried enabling debugging through advancedsettings.xml, but the normal log (not the crash log) is blank too.

    Thanks again.