[SOLVED] 3D MVC on RaspberryPi 3

  • Hi,
    I tried to upgrade from OE 7 beta 1 to LE on my pi 3.
    I couldn't get a 3D MVC mkv movie to play on my pi 3: after seleting "same as movie", the videoprojector keeps blinking (=no image).
    In OE 7, it is ok.
    I tried to run a Milhouse LE 8: it plays fine too.
    Is LE 7 suppposed to be capable of reading 3D MVC ?

    Edited once, last by lecine (April 21, 2016 at 6:46 AM).

  • Should be fine.

    Make sure the settings are the same on OE and LE.
    Post a debug log from OE and LE playing the same file to same projector and we'll see what the differences are.

  • OK. I did a fresh install of LibreElec. It worked flawlessly. I'll never know what was wrong with my previous settings. Thanks for the good work on LibreElec.