Editing config.txt on a non-Rasberry Pi system

  • Hi

    I have a problem where if the TV is off when booting the system then it displays a no signal message if it is switched on later (using HDMI) and I have to restart the system. I've done some research and it seems I need to add the following lines into config.txt


    All of the tutorials are for Rasberry Pi systems and I'm using a pc setup with a HD. I think I need to make a new folder called 'boot' in the root and then create a config.txt file:


    Is this correct?

    Any help appreciated.

  • I'm using an ATI GPU so unfortunately the script in that link is supported on ATI cards.

    I've done some googling and found this no video after switch HDMI on receiver - MythTV Official Community Forum so it might work if I add the line below. In the /etc/X11 directory there is a 'xorg-radeon.conf' file which I could add this to (as recommended in the link above)

    Option   "UseHotplugEvents"   "false"

    Or I could make a new 'xorg.conf' file and add it there making sure to add it inside the device section, e.g

    Section "Device"
    Identifier  "AMD Graphics"
    Driver      "radeon"
    Option   "UseHotplugEvents"   "false"

    The only problem is this directory is read only. I've tried:

    nano /etc/X11/xorg-radeon.conf

    To edit the file but when I try to save it says permission denied.

    I've also tried:

    mount /etc/X11 -o remount,rw

    But it says mount not found.

    Do you know if it's possible to make this file temporarily writeable?


  • Thanks chewitt, unfortunately I've found that 'UseHotplugEvents' is for NVidia cards only.

    It's not a major problem I'll just have to remember to switch the TV on before booting the system and if I forget I can reboot using Kore.