LED lights not working / Upgrade CM3

  • Hello, is there a manual to get the LEDs working? Do I have to activate something?

    I've install the latest Libreelec Version 8.2.3

    What do I have to buy when I want to get the CM3? I have the original slice.

    is this the right product? how is the install working, plug and play? remove the old CM1 and plug the ne CM3 in?

    Can i put the "LibreELEC-Slice3.arm-8.2.3.tar" simple in the Update folder an then reboot the slice?


  • It's the correct product (there is only one kind of CM3 card) but you cannot upgrade using the Slice3 .tar file. CM3 requires a new install of LE 8.2.3 using the .img.gz file (mount the Slice storage on Windows or Linux and then use our USB/SD creator app to write the image) because the internal emmc storage is on the CM3 card; i.e. when you remove the CM(1) card you also remove the storage. It's not a big issue, just make a backup before you upgrade and then restore afterwards.

  • The LED light ring should work "out of the box" in the LE 8.2.3 image. The only reasons I can think of for it not working are /flash/config.txt has been edited (or restored) to disable the slice overlay, or hardware was damaged while making the CM > CM3 upgrade.