UPS Power Status

  • Hi!!

    I run UPS systems to support my Kodi boxes and I'm wondering what a good means could be to monitor their charge level on a power outage. Normally I do it using apcaccess/apcupsd, but clearly that's not a viable/universal alternative.

    Maybe NUT, but that'd also require installing software and isn't exactly a universal solution.


  • As you haven't deemed it necessary to give basic info like hardware (X86, RPi AML?) it's difficult to even attempt a resolution.

    RPi's do have addons but many may need additional installs which of course won't work on LE without modifications.

    You could look at Docker solutions but I'm not convinced it will help.

  • You're right, it's on X86 (64-bit).

    I know I could rig something up with apcupsd, but it would only work for APC units. NUT might also work, but then I'm not sure if it's available on Mac or Windows. Let alone if this is something that might be accepted into addition to the base LE package.

    I do know that there's "upower" which can be used to abstract out the implementation. Since that bit is cross-platform(ish), I thought there might perhaps already be a solution in place. Then again, I'm not sure if upower relies on components that aren't already part of LE, and thus would require additional dependencies to be pulled in. I'm also not sure if it'd be cross-platform enough to be considered.


  • I think the problem will be finding a solution that works for ALL UPS. From my experience on trying to get a UPS monitor (Non APC) to work on Linux was impossible.

    If you can find a working solution that runs under Linux, you can always ask for it to be added as a "future request" (But don't hold your breath)

    ** If I get time I'll have a look at "upower" and see if it even viable. **