LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • I think is dtb related, because in that thread one user says:

    You need to update your DTB, nothing else is necessary for mecool

    By that words, i think leia is compatible with my original k1 pro infrared remote, but i need put a correct dtb

    Have you checked out this thread? LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

    It says:


    Update Device tree if you receive the 'no devices found' message or your remote does not work with above devices with remote baked in image.

    So you made sure that your remote is working & it is not detected? Infrared Remotes [] I guess the dtb is only needed if your remote isn't detected at all. Maybe this dtb file works though /shrug

    HiassofT  CvH any hints about that?

  • Have you checked out this thread? LE9.0 remote configs ir-keytable Amlogic devices

    It says:

    So you made sure that your remote is working & it is not detected? Infrared Remotes [] I guess the dtb is only needed if your remote isn't detected at all. Maybe this dtb file works though /shrug

    HiassofT  CvH any hints about that?

    Yes, i view this thread, but i dont know where find the update device tree :(

  • Sorry, can't help there. dtb files for AML boxes running ancient 3.14 kernels isn't exactly my area :)

    All I can say is that on Le Potato my MCE remote works out of the box.

    so long,


    I had some advices about remote config in mind ^^ So if you know if mecool remotes are supported by upstream for example.

    Yes, i view this thread, but i dont know where find the update device tree :(

    As your tv box is no Khadas VIM you should not use this build. Stick to the S905 builds and try this file as I already mentioned.

  • I had some advices about remote config in mind ^^ So if you know if mecool remotes are supported by upstream for example.

    Only very few "AML box" remotes are supported out of the box (there are way too many of them), and IIRC mecool isn't among them.

    If it's a popular remote someone probably creates keymap and posted it on the forum (in the large Amlogic remote thread).

    But first make sure ir-keytable finds the meson-ir device, if it's not there you need to dig into the dtb stuff. If it's there everything you need to know is on the IR remote wiki page (plus keytables probably here on the forum).

    so long,


  • I had some advices about remote config in mind ^^ So if you know if mecool remotes are supported by upstream for example.

    As your tv box is no Khadas VIM you should not use this build. Stick to the S905 builds and try this file as I already mentioned.

    Hi re, i tried now that dtb, but stucks in logo mecool, if i want run libreelec, i only can run it using the dtb that are in the folder device tree, when image was created, but dont work the ir remote.

    Any more idea?


  • Hi re, i tried now that dtb, but stucks in logo mecool, if i want run libreelec, i only can run it using the dtb that are in the folder device tree, when image was created, but dont work the ir remote.

    Any more idea?


    Again have you installed my S905 image without modifications and entered the following into a terminal:

    systemctl stop kodi
    systemctl stop eventlircd
    ir-keytable -t

    Now press buttons on your remote and make a note of the keycodes in notepad if there is an output.

  • Again have you installed my S905 image without modifications and entered the following into a terminal:

    systemctl stop kodi
    systemctl stop eventlircd
    ir-keytable -t

    Now press buttons on your remote and make a note of the keycodes in notepad if there is an output.

    i try it and in kodi the ir dont work, but in putty i putt your commands and the ir works well see

    login as: root

    root@libreelec's password:


    # LibreELEC 9.0 Reborn Remix #

    # #

    # based on LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI #


    LibreELEC (5schatten): RR-201845-f38db5f (S905.arm)

    LibreELEC:~ # systemctl detener kodi

    Unknown operation detener.

    LibreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi

    LibreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd

    LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -t

    Testing events. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.

    290.637758: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x06

    290.637758: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    291.808582: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x16

    291.808582: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    292.422415: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x5a

    292.422415: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    293.128919: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x1b

    293.128919: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    293.983901: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x1a

    293.983901: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    295.265027: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x13

    295.265027: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    295.878421: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x17

    295.878421: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    296.695877: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x15

    296.695877: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    297.310022: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x55

    297.310022: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    298.425651: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x52

    298.425651: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    298.871993: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x50

    298.871993: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    299.336983: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x10

    299.336983: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    299.783242: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x56

    299.783242: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    300.099788: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x54

    300.099788: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    300.397817: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x14

    300.397817: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    301.214995: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x4e

    301.214995: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    301.740098: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x4c

    301.740098: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    302.027306: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x0c

    302.027306: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    302.473681: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x18

    302.473681: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    302.845840: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x0f

    302.845840: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    303.384755: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x51

    303.384755: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    305.685014: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x0d

    305.685014: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    306.261371: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x11

    306.261371: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    306.745068: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x4d

    306.745068: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    307.098623: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x02

    307.098623: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    307.489380: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x01

    307.489380: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    307.970021: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x04

    307.970021: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    308.208700: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x1f

    308.208700: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    308.506735: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x44

    308.506735: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    308.841815: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x46

    308.841815: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    309.473477: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x4a

    309.473477: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    309.900023: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x48

    309.900023: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    310.290023: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x0b

    310.290023: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    310.669192: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x08

    310.669192: event type EV_SYN(0x00).

    Ok i follow the guide and works perfectly!!! thanks :D

    Edited once, last by srmendi (November 14, 2018 at 9:17 PM).

  • 5schatten

    Can you port Sx05RE's standalone emulators( PPSSPPSDL, ADVMAME and REICAST) to your bulid?

    Here is the codes:

    The standalone emulators have better efficency than those ones included in Libretro.

    Well I have not intentions to do that because there are already 3 arcade emulators (fba | mame2003-plus | mame2010) included in arm builds & nor PPSSPP or Reicast will ever run at sufficient speed on nowadays lowend SBCs like the RPi3B/+ or AML S905/S912 stuff.

    AdvanceMAME is is based on MAME 0.106 & so requires romset 0.106 which means it's only slightly newer than the base mame2003 stuff and does not support as much roms as mame2010 which is based on romset 0.139 so is there any game you can't run on either mame2003-plus or mame2010 that works fine with AdvanceMAME :/

    In fact I already use the upstream PPSSPP version that has a libretro core build flag so there is no thing as PPSSPPSDL it's just an appendix for the used framework. Reicast is quite the same story and even my Intel J3455 htpc struggles run games flawless. Even if they would run faster as some standalone version like Citra certainly does this wouldn't make a huge diffrence. I've tested GOW on my RPi3 & KVIM and to achieve a playable framerate a framekip of 5-6 is needed. I've included them mainly for build testing purposes & cause "yes we can".

    pi3b+ psp performance - RetroPie Forum

    Dreamcast · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub

    Just for the record... if you compare the AML S912 with a somewhat dated lowend Intel J3455 you see how inferior the ARM performance really is.

    Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3455 with HD Graphics in GFXBench - unified graphics benchmark based on DXBenchmark (DirectX) and GLBenchmark (OpenGL ES)

    However I can make some test and try to adopt this package RetroPie-Setup/ at f3a230acce5ff5f69d1bfb63d88654b3927f5075 · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup · GitHub but as I said I don't have high expectations. Escalade had standalone Reicast in his build in the past and although I could boot it even the input configuration was a mess since it only has some basic controller mappings reicast-emulator/shell/linux/mappings at master · reicast/reicast-emulator · GitHub and it looks like the SDL input backend is still "WIP" Make SDL input usable · Issue #1371 · reicast/reicast-emulator · GitHub

  • In fact S905 is more powerful than RPi3. By using standalone PPSSPP many 3D PSP games at run full speed with 2x resolution on S905 while only a few 2D games run fat ull speed with 1x resolution with PPSSPP core from Libretro. Standalone PPSSPP uses GPU acceleration more fully than Libretro one. The result is same to standalone Reicast. Because of RPi 3's weak GPU, the performance of standalone PPSSPP and Reicast is not as good as you thought. As far as I tested, Grandia II runs at full speed with standalone Reicast on S905. That's what Rpi 3 can't do.

  • In fact S905 is more powerful than RPi3. By using standalone PPSSPP many 3D PSP games at run full speed with 2x resolution on S905 while only a few 2D games run fat ull speed with 1x resolution with PPSSPP core from Libretro. Standalone PPSSPP uses GPU acceleration more fully than Libretro one. The result is same to standalone Reicast. Because of RPi 3's weak GPU, the performance of standalone PPSSPP and Reicast is not as good as you thought. As far as I tested, Grandia II runs at full speed with standalone Reicast on S905. That's what Rpi 3 can't do.

    It's out of question that the S905 is more powerful than the dated RPi stuff l but still we're talking about emulation which needs a lot of power. But if your testing led to the conclusion that the RA overhead is quite massiv it's maybe worth a try.

    Drop me a list of some games for PPSSPP & Reicast that work for you on standalone and I'll see what I can do. PPSSPP should be no problem but the Reicast code is IMHO quite a mess. At least when I tried to compile the standalone version ~a year ago :rolleyes:

  • Beta 15 is Generic & RPi uploading | AML stuff is building:

    • updated to latest LE9.0 upstream
    • updated Generic & RPi kernel to 4.19.2
    • updated to mesa 18.3.0-rc3 staging
    • updated nvidia driver to 410.78
    • updated vulkan-loader to 1.1.92
    • fixed crackling sound if PulseAudio is enabled
    • updated emulationstation & added analog stick patch -> remap controller and you can use them for navigation
    • updated several libretro-cores
    • updated dolphin & citra
    • updated amiberry to git ff18558 / v2.24b5
    • added desmume nds core to arm builds -> mostly testing purposes since it's awful slow
    • updated lr-database -> MAME 2003-Plus rdb allows scraping
    • reworked mame dirs -> now you can store your roms in mame2003 & mame2010/2016 if you use both emulators
      ! make sure you move your mame roms according to the emulator you want to use !
    • added neogeo dir & system (fba as default emu)
    • reversed KMS logic -> now you have to put a file useKMS into the retroarch folder to activate it
    • changed missing asound.conf notification -> apps & emus will still start after the notification is gone
    • ! delete your es_systems.cfg before you update !
  • It's out of question that the S905 is more powerful than the dated RPi stuff l but still we're talking about emulation which needs a lot of power. But if your testing led to the conclusion that the RA overhead is quite massiv it's maybe worth a try.

    Drop me a list of some games for PPSSPP & Reicast that work for you on standalone and I'll see what I can do. PPSSPP should be no problem but the Reicast code is IMHO quite a mess. At least when I tried to compile the standalone version ~a year ago :rolleyes:

    Dynastay Warriors

    YS 6

    Breath of Fire 3

    Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

    Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

    I played games above with PPSSPP 1.63 on Sx05RE(1.90) which is base on CoreELEC, and they all run at full speed with 2X resoultion.

    For Reicast, I played Grandia II, Dead or Alive 2, CAPCOM VS SNK 2. They runs well too.

  • Try to delete retroarch.cfg looks like RA tries to use SDL_GL als video driver. Btw. you have the same error even with a nokms file? Because if I start retroarch without kms it's not mentioned anywhere in the log file.

    This guy had exactly the same problem & creating a nokms file should have solved it.

    LE8 "Remix" (Generic/RPi) Emulationstation/Chrome/Spotify (read the first post before posting)

    I deleted retroatch.cfg, updated to beta 15 and retroarch is still crashing right away when I try to start it from kodi on my PC with nvidia 1060

    and I have a question what I need to put exactly in asound.conf for this card:

    card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]

    Subdevices: 1/1

    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

  • I have a suggestion for consistency with other systems: I think you should separate gb and gbc folders and entries in emulationstation. They are 2 different consoles with 2 romset (in no-intro for exemple)

  • I deleted retroatch.cfg, updated to beta 15 and retroarch is still crashing right away when I try to start it from kodi on my PC with nvidia 1060

    and I have a question what I need to put exactly in asound.conf for this card:

    card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]

    Subdevices: 1/1

    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

    Well I guess I found something in your Xorg log:

    [    27.239] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    [    27.240] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [    27.247] (EE) LoadModule: Module glx does not have a glxModuleData data object.
    [    27.247] (EE) Failed to load module "glx" (invalid module, 0)
    [    27.247] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"

    Seems Xserver fails to load libglx which is obviously mandatory and probably the reason why RA crashs. You use a similar card? VGA Bios Collection: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6144 MB | TechPowerUp just to make sure the card is correct detected.

    Can you enter this in a terminal & post the output:

    readlink -f /var/lib/
    readlink -f /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    ls -la /var/lib/
    ls -la /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/

    I've talked to the LE devs since I guess this is an upstream related thing. The legacy driver works fine though so maybe driver 410.x is screwed up.

    Can you downgrade to Beta12 & upload the Xorg log to check if the glx module loads fine in this build?

    card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]

    Subdevices: 1/1

    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

    This is the output of aplay -l but you have to enter aplay -L anyway I'm currently working on some function that sets asound.conf device according to your Kodi output device.

    I have a suggestion for consistency with other systems: I think you should separate gb and gbc folders and entries in emulationstation. They are 2 different consoles with 2 romset (in no-intro for exemple)

    Makes sense & I thought about this too, just GB is probably something most people won't use anyway but I'll split it in the next build.