Random SSD mount path

  • Hi,

    I have an external SSD attached to my RPi 3 running LibreELEC 8.2.5.

    LibreELEC System automatically mounts the device to one of the paths (which one is random):

    - /media/sda1-usb-SATA_SSD_FX_0000

    - /media/sda1-ata-SATA_SSD_AA4C072

    How can I tell LibreELEC to mount the HDD every time to the same path?

    Thanks and best regards


  • You need to set the disk "label" and then the device will mount with a consistent name based on the label. In the absence of one it randomises the mount point each time you connect.

    e2label /dev/sda1 new-label-name-here

    ^ if the device is /dev/sda1